Saturday, October 13, 2007



Fear is a very ancient and universal emotion in man. It can be defined as the sensation that you are in danger, that something bad is about to happen. Fear is almost always accompanied by a host of physical symptoms which are quite disturbing. When it is not justified by the presence of real danger or threat, or by any rational cause, and when it is also accompanied by a systematic avoidance of the situations which lead to it, then we have what is called a phobia.Phobia is actually a kind of panic reaction caused by specific stimuli or situations.
Source :
As we all know that everyone does fear of something. I do admit i suffered Coulrophobia. To those who doesn't know what it means, is actually fear of clowns. This happened since young and I really fear of clowns.
Don't they looks scary?? It's much scarier compared to ghost, seriously. Whenever there's a clown come towards me, I'll run away..LoooL..but now I guess I'm okay with in much better compared to last time. But still..Err...I won't feel good when there's a presence of clowns.
Well, I had this sudden urge today to find out more on PHOBIA today, as I'm at the site, I ter-click on G-letter Phobia, guess what's the G-letter phobia I found out??LoooL..It's actually Genophobia which means fear of sex.. =P..anyway, when i click on other shown Androphobia which is fear of MEN..most surprisingly is that they actually put BRAT PITT's photo. Arghhhh...means fear of Brat Pitt??LoooL..And this is the one ....

Owhh...he's good looking right? Actually I really wondered why some people suffered this symptom, isn't that weird??and they actually fear of their father too????that's pretty weird right??same goes to fear of's called as Gynephobia or Gynophobia.

Some people do suffer the fear of blood (Hemophobia, Hemaphobia or Hematophob⁩a). But for females, don't they fear of seeing their own menstruation? By the way, is called Menophobia. In real life situation, there's a friend of ine actually had this Hemophobia and when I†asked her about how she go through the menstual phase, she told me that she's ok with it. Only when she sees blood from other parts, she might suffer numb on her body or faint. Isn't it sad? But luckily Hemophobia and Menophobia is different thing. So another wonder by me solved. Haha..

Okay, this is for Thye deedee..Haha..

PELADOPHOBIA: Fear of bald people.
hEE..yeah i know..Not you the one who fear of bald people..Just to tell you that there are people who afraid of balds..Hahahahhah.

To those who interested to know the Top 10 fear, you can go to this site.

and this is the number ONE and TOP fear for people. Is actually....................

Fear of spiders...LooL..people actually afraid of spider more than death..True story. I wonder why don't people afraid of spiderman..yes i know..I asking a lame question. But I won't mind to have an answer. Heee!


Whoever suffers phobia feels an enormous fear every time he or she encounters (or even imagines...) the original phobic stimuli which unleash the panic attack. At least four of the following symptoms are usually observed:


heart fluttering (palpitation),

chest pain or pressure,

a sensation of suffocation or drowning,

dizziness and vertigo,

a sensation of detachment from reality ("air head"),

tingling sensations in several parts of the body,

heat or cold waves,

sweating,dry mouth,

a sensation of fainting,

trembling or shaking,

a fear of dying or becoming mad, or losing control.

What largely differentiates a person with phobia from one with simple, "normal" fear, is that the patients start to avoid at any cost the places, situations and objects wich unleash the panic attacks, thus changing completely their life routine and even profession.

It's a little late now. I have to stop. For more information you can go to the site above. *yawn*...



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