Sunday, April 27, 2008


There are only 3 persons who would actually tag me whenever theres a tag for them to complete.
Obviously, i got tagged by MR ong khy li, MR wong wei jung AND Miss wan kitt lei..
THE first TAG.

Instructions: remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1. who is your all-time inspiration?
I think i can fill the name in when i get one..=)

2. have you given your first kiss away?

3. if you were to be stranded on a deserted island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you? why?
Lee Jen- i'm sure her surviving skills are better than mine.
Khy Li- i wish i could have delicious food even if i were stranded on a isolated island.
Kitt Lei- haha..atleast we can talk crazee stuffs there.

4. where is the place that you want to go the most?

5. if you could have anything now... What will it be?
A scholarship.

6. do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Of coz, dont forget that im a sub-science student.

7. what are you afraid to lose the most now?
My laptops.

8. if you win $1 million, what would you do?
SWT... pay for my college fee and get myself a car.

9. if you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
NO, chinese zodiac says horse's girl doenst simply confess to the one they love.

10. list out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Khy Li-
He is very caring, a very good fren and also a very good advisor..=P

11. what are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Can cook wonderful food like my dad..=)

12. what do u hate about yourself?
Being too hesitant.

13. what is your ambition?
To be a marketer.

14. if you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?
They shud point it out even if i choose not to accept it.

15. what do you think is the most important thing in your life?

16. are you a shopaholic or not?

17. state one of your desire.
To own evrything.

18. if you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?

19. whats the lastest bad news you've seen or heard?
Nothing bad.

20. what do you wish to have now?
Start my college.

Shall tag..
Those are'nt mentioned in tis tag but in my blog's link.
The End. Done @ 4:48 pm.

Second Tag.
List Out The Top 5 Presents You Wish For :
1- A pair of wedge shoes.
2- A brand new's earphone.
3- Handbag.
4- Book
5- A movie ticket.

The Person Who Tagged You Is:
Read the entry's opening.

Your 5 Impressions Of Him/Her :
Jung- Silly, good-looking, funny, macho and lame
Khy- Gangsteristic, very Beng, yum, strong and short..hehe
Kitt- Lanc, quiet, small size, pretty and mysterious.

The Most Memorable Thing He/She Has Done For You :
Jung- He threw pens at me.
Khy- He called me lala mui.
Kitt- When she sent me to bus stop and waited for the bus with me.

The Most Memorable Words He/She Has Said To You :
Jung- Meh hai orr..
Khy- Yum fu.
Kitt- whatever.

If He/She Becomes Your Lover, You Will :
Jung- I don't think he can be my lover..hehe
Khy- I will really turn myself into Ah lian then.
Kitt- i don't want ppl to ask if im a lesbian..

Pass The Quiz To 10 People That You Wish To Know How They Feel About You.
Xu Li (if she read my blog)
Low Lee Jen
Amelia Ho
Lee Kin Meng
The Woo's bros.

Who is No. 7(jethro) having a relationship with?
He is single now.

Who is No.9 Having A Relationship With ?(Kevin woo)
i dont think he has one.

If No.9 (kevin) and No.1(Secky) together, Will it be a good thing?
owwh...then 17th pj will have the first gay couple.

How about No.(Secky) and No.5(Low Lee Jen) ?
It will be a new match.

What Is No.3 (alwin) studying?
NS skills.

When Is The Last Time You Chatted With No.6 (Amelia)?
a week ago.

Does No.4 (Xu li) work?
i dont know..

Does No.8 (Lee king meng) have any cousins in his/her school?
Nop i guess..

Would You Woo No.8 (KinMeng)?
Definately no.

How About No.5 (Low Lee jen)?
She is a girl and im not a lesbian.

Does No.2 (caely) have any siblings?
Yes, her sis look a lot like her.

How Did You Get To Know No. 2 (Caely)?
Through scouting.

Is No.5 (Lee jen) the sexiest person in the world?
Thats for a guy to judge..=)

Tags completed.

Exercise is wat im goin to do next..=)



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